
Nursing students’ perceptions regarding feedback from their educators in a selected higher education institution in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa

L M Rathobei, M B Dube


Background. There is global awareness of investment in higher education to ensure quality learning. Provision of quality feedback is perceived as a key benchmark of effective learning and a vital requirement in meeting students’ expectations. Nevertheless, increased students’ demands and expectations regarding quality feedback compete with increased pressure on academic resources, which may result in student dissatisfaction. Despite the high priority that higher education institutions (HEIs) place on quality of feedback, insufficient research studies have been conducted of student nurses’ perceptions of such feedback.

Objectives. To describe nursing students’ perceptions of feedback received from educators in a selected HEI.
Method. A non-experimental, exploratory descriptive design was used to guide the research process. The non-probability convenience sampling method was used, with 75 nursing students as respondents. A descriptive statistics procedure was used to present the findings of the study.
Results. Most respondents (82.7%) reported that they received understandable, timely, personalised, criteria-referenced, positive clear feedback after assessment. Conversely, 17.3% of respondents indicated that they received delayed, non-understandable feedback, as well as unclear and negatively written feedback. The findings of the study suggest that quality feedback mechanisms in the selected HEI were used for effective learning and to meet nursing students’ requirements and expectations.
Conclusion. The findings of the research indicate that nursing students receive quality feedback after assessment. However, there is a need for the HEI to develop a clear organisational structure with an operational guideline to aid the feedback process and ensure that all students receive quality feedback, improving their performance and meeting their needs. The feedback process should be made transparent and communicated to educators and students.

Authors' affiliations

L M Rathobei, Department of Nursing and Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

M B Dube, Department of Nursing and Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

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African Journal of Health Professions Education 2021;13(4):270. DOI:10.7196/AJHPE.2021.1111

Article History

Date submitted: 2022-01-28
Date published: 2022-01-28

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