
Are further education opportunities for emergency care technicians needed and do they exist?

C Vincent-Lambert, J Bezuidenhout, M Jansen van Vuuren


Background. A recent review of emergency care education and training in South Africa resulted in the creation of a new 2-year, 240-credit National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 6 Emergency Care Technician (ECT) qualification. The National Department of Health (NDoH) view ECTs as ‘mid-level workers’ in the emergency care profession. Concurrently, an existing 3-year National Diploma and a 1-year BTech programme were consolidated to form a single 4-year, 480-credit, NQF level 8 professional Bachelor Degree in Emergency Medical Care (B EMC). This study critically analysed and compared the ECT mid-level worker qualification with the professional B EMC degree to design a framework and bridging programme to support articulation between the two qualifications.

Methods. The researchers used an expository, retrospective critical analysis of existing documentation followed by a focus group discussion and a Delphi questionnaire. These processes ultimately informed the design of the framework and contents of a bridging programme.

Results. Similarities and substantial differences were identified between the ECT and B EMC qualifications in relation to scope, complexity and depth of knowledge. A framework for articulation was designed, which included a bridging programme for ECT graduates wishing to enter the B EMC degree programme.

Conclusion. The study predicted a strong sustained demand from ECTs as mid-level workers for further study and associated professional development. It is possible for graduates of the 2-year ECT programme to articulate directly into the third year of the B EMC degree  through successful completion of a bridging programme.

Authors' affiliations

C Vincent-Lambert, Department of Emergency Medical Care, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

J Bezuidenhout, Division Health Science Education, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa

M Jansen van Vuuren, Division Health Science Education, University of the Free state, Bloemfontein, South Africa

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Emergency care; Education; Articulation; Mid-level worker

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African Journal of Health Professions Education 2014;6(1):6-9. DOI:10.7196/AJHPE.285

Article History

Date submitted: 2013-05-22
Date published: 2014-03-12

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